About Habitual

The world spends trillions treating the outcomes of type 2 diabetes, largely ignoring the underlying cause and only treating symptoms of the disease. Even with gold standard pharmaceutical treatment, people with type 2 diabetes continue to live at an elevated risk of life-altering complications and with generally very little knowledge about how to manage or treat the condition.

We built Habitual to change this. We believe that pills and annual diabetes check-ups just aren’t enough, and that patients are ready to take their health into their own hands. We’re reimagining diabetes care from the ground up by providing fully digital prediabetes and type 2 diabetes remission programmes at scale, helping patients make lasting changes to their nutritional, physical, and mental health. Our programme combines evidence-based nutritional strategies with digital therapeutics to be our patients’ lifelong partner in the journey to living longer, healthier, and happier.

The role...

Having worked with patients for many years, we know that the challenge of building a digital-first, engaging, and effective behaviour change product is not a small one - which means we are passionate about building a best-in-class product function in healthcare. Many healthtech products are optimised for insurers and healthcare providers, and thus often lose the needs of the patient. We think patients deserve better.

This role will be central within our small but growing product team, and play a vital role in growing the team, shaping how we work, and ensuring we deliver the most beautiful and engaging features in digital health.

In this role: